
本日(10月25日),索僧索僧音乐公布了PlayStation4人气超下爆表大年夜做《灭亡停顿》的齐新王亚伟重仓股尾支单直《Trigger》,本次单直由Major Lazer战Khalid共同献声。大年单直王亚伟重仓股
Now baby
Can’t tell you why we
Ain’t getting high no more
Tried so hard
There’s something I’ve been feeling
And we’re lonely
But we never used to be
Either we’re arguing or 夜碟you leave
We both know something’s missing
I’ve been holding on
Holding on to nothing
You don’t care too much
And it’s obvious
That you’re already gone
So unleash your weapon
Aim it at my chest then
If our love is a drug
You’re the one with the trigger
Shoot me down, shoot me down
I don’t wanna remember you
Don’t try to change your mind
When the blood is on your hands
Shoot me down, shoot me down
I don’t wanna remember you
Shoot me down, shoot me down
You’re the one with the trigger
Soul to soul
We used to rock so slow
I felt your blood boil
And my heartbeat rush
You free me, why’s it slipping?
There’s no one left
Go on and hold your breath
Say that you want me
But you don’t want stress
I can’t say that I feel different
I’ve been holding on
Holding on to nothing
You don’t care too much
And it’s obvious
That you’re already gone
So unleash your weapon
Aim it at my chest then
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