



we are planning to have some amount of items that will bind to a character upon equipping them.
We absolutely won’t have items that bind when picked up, except for the obvious things like quest items and other character-specific items that wouldn’t/shouldn’t be tradable anyway.
That alone, I think, should dissuade the most severe concerns with binding items.
And before I go on just understand that while a lot of this is very stable in its concepts, the details aren’t final.
For Bind on Equip (BoE), the idea right now is that it would only be applied to “end game” items of specific quality levels. So to start, it’s not every item, and it’s not even every item above a certain level. For the BoE items that will exist, you can pick them up, if you don’t want it you can still trade it, or give it to another character, a friend, vendor it, whatever you like. But, if you make the commitment to keeping the item and equipping it, yes, it’s yours now.
The reasoning is that in reality we need a solid way to keep the economy stable at the end game. With items building up over a potentially infinite amount of time there’s no way to have any measure of control over worth of items. While an item may be the rarest and best in the game, over four or five years a stockpile has built up and those items are now commonplace and hold little value as compared to their rarity. The gold being earned by players stays the same or likely increases as players become more proficient at playing the game while they spend less as items lose their value. Gold value drops, and we’re skirting into a familiar cycle.
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