
游戏由育碧收止,参忍估计去岁9月份出售。开辟以下是忍龙人Nintedno Power杂志独家公开的源内容:
Double update: Even more details on the game…
-official development started Jan. 2008
-concept started Oct. 2007
-2.5D Fighter
-Interactive Stages
-4 player versus
-Story Mode
-Battle Royal
-Winner Stays
-Loser Stays
-Unlockable Characters
-Unlockable Stages
-Online aspects said to be better than Brawl implementation
-Each character is color coded with glowing effect to make 4-player battles easy to follow
“While this is a licensed game, it’s not tied to any movie or TV show…for this game to succeed on its own it needs to be a great game.” - Ubisoft producer
Update: More details about the game have been confirmed: Online play, confirmed to be for Wii, will be published by Ubisoft, set for a September 2009 release date.
A sneak peak in a gaming magazine has the first information on a new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game. Although only a few details were shared, the blurb explains that the title will focus on fighting. Also, members of the Super Smash Bros. Brawl dev. team and former Team Ninja developers have been confirmed to be working on the project. The teaser doesn’t mention which system the game is being made for, though I am pretty sure they are referencing the Wii.
“To kick off our big 2009 preview special, we’ve got an exclusive sneak peak at a game that’s so early it hasn’t even been named yet! For now we’ll just call if TMNT. A new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game is always worth at least a raised eyebrow (despite the, er, mixed results of the foursome’s last several titles), but when it’s a four-player fighting game made by some of the folks who worked on Super Smash Bros. Brawl and former members of Tecmo’s famed Team Ninja (who worked on the Ninja Gaiden and Dead of Alive series), then we’re looking at one of the most exciting stories of the new year.”
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