谷歌浏览器Chromev67.0.3396.62公布 更新哪些内容

  发布时间:2025-03-12 22:40:14   作者:玩站小弟   我要评论
­谷歌浏览器Google Chrome稳定版迎去v67正式版尾个版本公布,详细版本号为v67.0.3396.62,上一个正式版v66.0.3359.181公布于5月11日,时隔14天Googl 厦门地图查询。

­  谷歌浏览器Google Chrome稳定版迎去v67正式版尾个版本公布,谷歌公布更新详细版本号为v67.0.3396.62,浏览上一个正式版v66.0.3359.181公布于5月11日,内容厦门地图查询时隔14天Google又公布了新版Chrome浏览器,谷歌公布更新本次进级主如果更新了34项安稳建复及稳定性改进。浏览

­  Chrome v66版本新删禁止主动播放视频服从,内容能够制止烦人的谷歌公布更新网页视频主动播放,借减强了节制台服从战设备更新,浏览正在安稳性圆里,内容厦门地图查询借删减了第三圆APP安稳提示服从。谷歌公布更新

­  民圆更新日记

­  Chrome稳定版已更新到v67.0.3396.62

­  安稳建复法度战嘉奖

­  更新包露4项安稳建复

­  [$3000][835639] High CVE-2018-6123: Use after free in Blink. Reported by Looben Yang on 浏览2018-04-22

­  [$5000][840320] High CVE-2018-6124: Type confusion in Blink. Reported by Guang Gong of Alpha Team, Qihoo 360 on 2018-05-07

­  [$5000][818592] High CVE-2018-6125: Overly permissive policy in WebUSB. Reported by Yubico, Inc on 2018-03-05

­  [$N/A][844457] High CVE-2018-6126: Heap buffer overflow in Skia. Reported by Ivan Fratric of Google Project Zero on 2018-05-18

­  [$TBD][842990] High CVE-2018-6127: Use after free in indexedDB. Reported by Looben Yang on 2018-05-15

­  [$TBD][841105] High CVE-2018-6128: uXSS in Chrome on iOS. Reported by Tomasz Bojarski on 2018-05-09

­  [$N/A][838672] High CVE-2018-6129: Out of bounds memory access in WebRTC. Reported by Natalie Silvanovich of Google Project Zero on 2018-05-01

­  [$N/A][838402] High CVE-2018-6130: Out of bounds memory access in WebRTC. Reported by Natalie Silvanovich of Google Project Zero on 2018-04-30

­  [$N/A][826434] High CVE-2018-6131: Incorrect mutability protection in WebAssembly. Reported by Natalie Silvanovich of Google Project Zero on 2018-03-27

­  [$500][839960] Medium CVE-2018-6132: Use of uninitialized memory in WebRTC. Reported by Ronald E. Crane on 2018-05-04

­  [$500][817247] Medium CVE-2018-6133: URL spoof in Omnibox. Reported by Khalil Zhani on 2018-02-28

­  [$500][797465] Medium CVE-2018-6134: Referrer Policy bypass in Blink. Reported by Jun Kokatsu (@shhnjk) on 2017-12-23

­  [$1000][823353] Medium CVE-2018-6135: UI spoofing in Blink. Reported by Jasper Rebane on 2018-03-19

­  [$1500][831943] Medium CVE-2018-6136: Out of bounds memory access in V8. Reported by Peter Wong on 2018-04-12

­  [$2000][835589] Medium CVE-2018-6137: Leak of visited status of page in Blink. Reported by Michael Smith ( on 2018-04-21

­  [$2000][810220] Medium CVE-2018-6138: Overly permissive policy in Extensions. Reported by François Lajeunesse-Robert on 2018-02-08

­  [$2000][805224] Medium CVE-2018-6139: Restrictions bypass in the debugger extension API. Reported by Rob Wu on 2018-01-24

­  [$2000][798222] Medium CVE-2018-6140: Restrictions bypass in the debugger extension API. Reported by Rob Wu on 2018-01-01

­  [$2000][796107] Medium CVE-2018-6141: Heap buffer overflow in Skia. Reported by Yangkang(@dnpushme) & Wanglu of Qihoo360 Qex Team on 2017-12-19

­  [$4500][837939] Medium CVE-2018-6142: Out of bounds memory access in V8. Reported by Choongwoo Han of Naver Corporation on 2018-04-28

­  [$TBD][843022] Medium CVE-2018-6143: Out of bounds memory access in V8. Reported by Guang Gong of Alpha Team, Qihoo 360 on 2018-05-15

­  [$500][828049] Low CVE-2018-6144: Out of bounds memory access in PDFium. Reported by pdknsk on 2018-04-02

­  [$500][805924] Low CVE-2018-6145: Incorrect escaping of MathML in Blink. Reported by Masato Kinugawa on 2018-01-25

­  [$TBD][818133] Low CVE-2018-6147: Password fields not taking advantage of OS protections in Views. Reported by Michail Pishchagin (Yandex) on 2018-03-02

本题目:Google Chrome v67.0.3396.62 正式版公布


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