绵阳网站建设怎么选_沧州自适应网站建设_专业建站公司怎么收费_一级消防工程师考试内容 七、外部链接建设">





Today’s society has entered a new era of scientific and technological progress and rapid economic and social development. The influence of computer technology on the economic and social development and the improvement of people’s life has become increasingly prominent, and the way of life and thinking of human beings have also changed. Traditional food information sharing and recommendation mainly rely on word of mouth or simple online forum sharing. However, these management methods have problems such as inefficiency, low security and inaccurate information transmission. At the same time, with the prosperity of food culture, people’s demand for the discovery and sharing of special food is also increasing, and a more efficient, safer and more personalized solution is urgently needed.
According to this background, the development of a special food recommendation website based on Java can not only greatly improve the efficiency of food information retrieval, change and maintenance, but also facilitate users to discover and share food, thus reducing information management costs and improving user experience. This special food recommendation website uses B/S architecture, front end separation and MVC model to design, and uses Java language and Spring Boot framework to develop. With friendly interface and simple operation, the system can not only basically meet the daily needs of food lovers, catering industry practitioners and food culture researchers, but also effectively reduce personnel costs and time costs, and provide strong technical support for the promotion and development of local characteristic food culture.
Keywords: Special food recommendation website;Java;SpringBoot framework;MySQL



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