




In recent years, with the enhancement of people’s awareness of environmental protection and the importance of effective utilization of resources, cities all over the country continue to promote the work of waste classification. The Ministry of education also issued a notice last year to promote waste classification in schools across the country to encourage the effective implementation of waste classification. However, at this stage, there are still many problems in the practice of garbage classification on campus. Among them, the lack of good guidance and management means for students’ garbage classification behavior in schools, unclear classification information transmission, lack of management means and weak interaction are the main problems to be solved at this stage.
With the progress and popularization of information technology, more and more work management and information interaction adopt the form of network, online and data. Among them, the web site can collect images, text, animation, sound and other media information in one, which can not only achieve more vivid display of information, but also realize information interaction. Based on this situation, this paper combined with the actual needs of campus garbage classification, through the design and implementation of a campus garbage classification management system website, research and discuss the development technology of web website based on PHP language. The website uses php + MySQL technology framework to realize, which can clearly display the garbage classification information, release real-time notices and messages. Students and teachers on campus can also feedback questions and ideas through messages, so as to realize effective interaction among all parties.

河南建设工程信息网官网首页南昌设计政府网站的公司品牌vi设计多少钱科学小制作办公室装修设计大概多少钱新的seo网站优化排名 排名公司建立网站的优势ppt模板百度云免费dw网页模板求个没封的w站2022广州seo教程佛山省钱网站设计哪家便宜网站优化排名技巧东莞建设银行电话号码黑龙江建设网ca锁阿里云云服务器官网网络平台宣传方式有哪些大连建行网点京东网页设计实训报告网页游戏排行榜前十微信小程序营销型网站建设一般要多少钱微信公众平台小程序怎么用关于前端开发培训机构室内设计优秀作品html登录页面设计代码十大最坑装修公司排名香港疫情最新数据日本网站制作需要多少钱福州定制网站开发制作页面设计方案电子印章在线制作网站


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