




The vast majority of traditional information management relies on manual filing and management by management personnel. However, with the rapid development of information technology in recent years, many more conventional information management methods have been updated and replaced. Due to the complexity of the specific content of flower information management and the diverse total number of management, manual production cannot meet the needs of many users, So corresponding online flower shop WeChat mini programs should be generated from time to time.
This online flower shop WeChat mini program is divided into administrators and users with two management permissions. Administrators can manage the basic information and specific content of users, manage public information and flower information, and engage in communication and interaction with users. Users can view flower information, view public information and query administrator response information.
The online flower shop WeChat mini program uses the most popular small software structure in the development of the mesh structure 软件. It uses the MySQL database system with small space but powerful functions to carry out data storage practical operations. The system software development design is 软件lied to Vue Company’s technical 软件lication. The backend management is developed using the torsion spring shoe framework. Overall, this online flower shop WeChat mini program can solve many traditional handmade problems, such as long data statistics delays and complex data information management processes. Overall, the quality of the online flower shop WeChat mini program is stable, with comprehensive basic functions and high cost-effectiveness when put into use.

